Whole30: Temptation Everywhere

I started back at work this week after taking a few days off. The first week of Whole30 has been pretty easy because I was home and able to cook all our meals each day.

On Monday when I walked into the office, I was greeted by two different kinds of biscuits sitting on the table in the teachers’ room. I managed to stay strong when normally, for me, resistance is futile. After the first 1.5 hour lesson, I walked into the room again and there were jam doughnuts sitting on the table. Seriously, don’t they know I’m doing Whole30? Umm actually, no, they don’t. So suck it up sister!

Lunch was a bunless beef burger with an egg and salad from the cafeteria. Yum. I think that will be my go to meal when I don’t pack in any lunch.

On Tuesday there were more treats which I managed to resist. 🙂

I’m very proud of my achievement so far. 11 days without giving in to temptation even when the usual triggers were present. (There are lots of triggers! Lol)

Instead of rewarding myself with crap, I am cooking us delicious meals and experimenting a bit more with flavours. I’m no Jamie Oliver, but that’s ok. I’m me, and that’s enough 🙂

Yummy Paleo-friendly chicken salad

“If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.” ~ Roopleen

Thanks for reading x

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